Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change of Address (kinda)

I'll be occasionally posting media on my tumblr page:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Next Thing

I recently signed on to direct an ultra-low budget crime drama called "Measure". Some old friends from film school (Chapman University) are producing and I'm flattered they thought of me. This will be my first time directing something that isn't my original idea, but I look forward to the challenge.

Much more on this to come.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

south loop at College of DuPage

The Indie Film Group at College of DuPage is sponsoring a special screening of south loop at the McAninch Arts Center on Wednesday, March 30th at 7pm. The screening is a fundraiser for the group so please go see the movie and give what you can to some young filmmakers.